Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ellie & Jackson Graduate Preschool

It's official. Jackson and Ellie have played house enough times and colored with every crayon in the mega-crayola pack to graduate pre-school! I kid - we actually had a parent-teacher conference a few months back and they went over how ready they were for kindergarten and I was pretty amazed at how much ahead of the game they will be starting off. The teachers have done an amazing job. The kids can spell and even read some short words. I recall starting first grade not knowing how to read a dad-gum thing.

We went to the graduation ceremony and I watched as parents in the crowd worked overtime to get the perfect angle for their filming of the entire shebang. Can we come up with some sort of society-approved solution for reserving seats at events like this? How do people get into these places so early to stick homemade "Reserved" signs on so many seats? I picture moms crawling thru the AC ducts and repelling down into the auditorium to reserve their seats hours before everyone else gets there.

But I digress... The graduation was adorable. The kids we dressed in all white cap and gowns. They sang songs and had speaking parts. One little girl made my loud cackle laugh erupt when she walked up to the microphone then blew into it like 4 times just to make sure it was on before speaking. "Check one, check. Sibalence. Can you hear me in the back people? Okay good. Today is a good day because the Lord made it."

Ellie and Jackson both nailed their speaking parts. Jackson even had a "Woohoo!" in there that was funny. They called them up one by one handed them their diplomas (probably all written in crayon), shook their hands then had them pose at center stage so the parents fighting for a spot in the middle of the auditorium could capture the Kodak moment. Then after it was all over they gave them gift bags including a really loud, annoying horn that said "Graduate" on the side. I was sure to lose theirs in another kids bag.

So our kids are all growds up. They'll no doubt have their own Facebook pages soon and start asking for cell phones so they text their bff's.

1 comment:

About the Company said...

If you figure out the saving seats thing, let me know. Even working at the school and being family of the director, I have to fight for a seat. No reservations around here!! I think I have one of your kids horns!! Ha Ha, I hope I threw Luke's away. He was gone last week, so maybe he forgot about it!!