Friday, August 1, 2008

Let's Ride. And do Flips.

"Mount up! It means...get on your horses." It was those words uttered by Lucky Day in Three Amigos that I recall each time we go for the family ride. I bought one of those seats that goes on the back of my bike (now Kiley's bike - i'm not getting on that silly thing) so we can take Cooper on a ride. Now the entire Haught clan runs the neighborhood as part of our new bicycle gang - The Fantastic Four and a Quarter.

And Ellie finally got a new bike (not pictured). I ran over her other one. A valuable lesson is being learned thru all of this - check your mirrors. And if you want a new bike you have to do chores and earn money so that you can afford a new bike.

Riding as a family is so much fun.

We went to the pool today with our neighborhood pals, The Violi's. Our community pool has this cool area with slides and water shooter gun turrets attached to forts. So awesome. And there's this huge tank that fills up with water and then dumps a large amount of water all over this one area and scares Cooper. He runs away as if he were being chased by a wolverine.

So Jackson and Ellie tell me that they want to go swim in the deep pool. I mean what's more fun that leaving the adventure area of the pool than going to the big square of water that doesn't do anything. But on our way there we see the diving boards and I say to Jackson, "There's no way you'd jump off the high dive." Minutes later he's on top of the thing doing a cannonball. He's crazy.

Then just to top things off he does some tricks off of the regular diving board...

Another Weekend at the Lake

It is now a major tradition with the Haught family to return on the 4th of July to the Haught House on Possum Kingdom Lake. It is so much fun I must say. This last trip we had 3 boats and a couple jet skis out there so needless to say the kids were loving it. A couple new things that happened this round....
  • Cooper rode on a boat for the first time. LOVED IT!
  • Jackson and cousin Cade attempted to knee board and succeeded with GREATNESS. Or as Cade said it...WICKED AWESOME
  • Ellie remained outside for the firework show without getting scared and actually enjoyed it.
  • Cooper learned to eat sunflower seeds with Honey. mmmm good!
These weekends truly are precious to Chad and I. We really enjoy watching our kids experience life with such fullness and be surrounded with family. The memories being made are priceless! We can't wait for the next trip out to Possum Kingdom.

The Flower Girl & The Ring Bearer

My sweet little ones were asked to be in their 'Aunt' Sarah's wedding on June 21st. There were so precious. Ellie was so excited that she got to dress like an official princess. Jackson on the other hand was loving his black dress socks and shoes that he begged us to wear to the rehearsal dinner with shorts on. We were a bit worried about Jackson following the rules but when it came down to the day of, Ellie threw her roses and Jackson didn't throw any pillows up in the air. Sarah looked absolutely gorgeous and the wedding went off without a hitch.