Woah it's been a while. Apolgies and thanks to everyone demanding a new blog post. You honor me with your venomous demands.
So here's what you've missed. Every soccer game of Jackson's we go to is a new adventure. A few weeks back Jackson did something to a kid I've only seen happen in prison movies when inmates attack each other in "the yard" This one kid kept pushing Jackson down so when he'd had enough action was taken. The final time he got pushed down he got up with this look on his face like a severe injustice had been taken. Kind of like when Ellie sits in his seat at dinner. That's HIS seat! Jackson chases the kid down and pulls him down by the back of the jersey, that's when I started running onto the field to stop a potential murder. After pulling this poor kid to the ground, he started kicking him and then walked right over him. By then I had gotten to him and could see all these confused parents on the sideline b/c none of them saw what he had done. Thank goodness. I wanted to scream something like, "There's bees everywhere! Save your children!" but just hauled him to the sidelines and discussed proper ways of handling people who push us - by carving a shiv out of your toothbrush, or anything that will sharpen into a knife.

More soccer!

This was a pick of us before we took the kids to their first Aggie game! They have a blast. Only b/c they don't understand the concept that the Aggies aren't very good right now. Seriously Coach Fran, what's the deal?

This is at their birthday party at Pump it Up! They were so excited. I was the only dad there so I was in charge of entertaining the kids on the bounce houses...self appointed. I was sweating like a pig by the end of it. I wonder if they host adult birthday parties there.

And I came home one night to find that Kiley had created a photography studio in our formal dining room. She had a dark blanket draped over the table and Cooper was posing for Halloween pictures. Adorable.